Once there, Britton and I will spend July getting ready for California. They say the quickest distance between two points is a straight line, but we've decided that the most interesting distance between two points is a giant meandering squiggly thing. We'll essentially be covering the eastern, northern, and western boundaries of our country, with at least a brief jaunt into Canada. An incredibly scientific simulation of our trajectory looks something like this:

And while you're looking at that artistry and asking yourself why in the world I'm not in graphic design, I also want you to ask yourself if you know anyone who lives in the general vicinity of the squiggliness. Or if you yourself live in the squiggliness.
Because here's the thing: we already have, mostly thanks to Britton, several people that we'll be able to visit with on the trip, and we may or may not be able to add more, but I think it'd be exciting to have as many options as possible. We'll be spending July setting dates and looking at maps, and I would love to have a random assortment of people to visit on our trip.
So if you know anyone who lives anywhere near that reddish brown line and wouldn't mind two guys borrowing their floor for a night, please let me know. Or if you know any really cool sites we absolutely can't miss. Like hiking...a friend already told me about a place called Damnation Creek for our stretch down the West Coast, and I'd love to hear about more like that. Or if you know anyone who wants to give me a job in California or might know of a cheap place to live, that'd be great too.
Basically, if you have any information that might be useful/interesting/fun/dangerous/free, then I'd love to hear about it. Call, Facebook, email, comment, whatever's easiest for you. And I do plan on updating this thing with a vague sense of regularity, so feel free to check back in.
I Recommend 3 additions to your trip.
ReplyDelete1. Cleveland, TN. Stop by and say hi to your old coorinator (You can crash at my place)
2. Yellowstone National Park. It's cool expicially if you have some time to spend if not it's still a beautiful drive.
3. Yosemite National Park (Nort of Fresno) One of the coolest places in the nation in my opinion
Here's my map: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d147/murphi0us/stuff.beaus-trip.jpg
We'll definitely try to cut down to Yellowstone, and for sure visit Yosemite once we're in California. And I would love to come visit you in Tennessee, but we might have to save that for the sequel.